unexpected turns

September 24, 2019

Facebook reminded me of this status update from 10 years ago. U2 has been my favorite band since high school and due to a rain date that opened up extra tickets, I was able to attend for the first time. It was a few miles from my home and because I was going by myself, my seat was well positioned. I honestly didn’t mind going by myself – I was just excited to be able to finally see such a phenomenal band.

About a half hour before the concert, right after I got to my seat, I got a call (on my flip phone lol) from my boss, Sam. He wanted to let me know that he was going to take a chance on me and promoted me to the director of communications for the denomination’s relief and development organization. I went from being a mostly 9-5 Mon-Fri writer to on call 24 hours a day, tuned into the world’s natural disasters and the Church’s response to the communities affected by them.

Less than four months later, an earthquake devastated Haiti and took Sam’s life. It was the first time I faced a crisis while engaged in a faith community. 90% of every waking hour for the first 2 months was focused on the response to Haiti even as I processed my own grief in Sam’s death.

My prayer life was deepening through my home church’s Lenten prayer group. I visited Haiti for the first time during Holy Week. So many people who I met were enduring so much heartache but still experienced hope through their faith in God. 

It was a season in which I came close to feeling overcome with grief and confusion. I held onto the prayers my pastor said with me in the days following including his assurance that I had the spiritual reserves necessary to see me through.

I still feel the trauma of that time. The uncertainty in my own ability or authority to step into leadership. The reality of the suffering that people endured and my own sense of helplessness. But I also experienced God’s amazing grace in the midst of unthinkable circumstances. And I felt a stirring to want to share the good news that God’s joy and peace can be experienced even in the midst of sorrow.

10 years ago today I got to attend my dream concert and Sam called me and offered me the opportunity to stretch and grow professionally . . . 9 years ago this month I started a new journey in seminary. 5 years ago this month I was appointed to my first church.

Who knows what unexpected turns of amazing grace might happen because of something that is experienced today?

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