Under God’s Wing

March 9, 2022

A 100 word sermon inspired by Luke 13:31-35

Timidly lifting a wing,
Crouching close
Hiding in fear

Under God’s wing,
Focus on the feathers
Soft and gentle
Providing warmth

Under God’s wing,
There is comfort and protection
A barrier from the dangers
that threaten body and soul

Under God’s wing,
A heartbeat reassuringly pulses
Gathering others into community
No longer alone

Under God’s wing,
Space to breathe and heal
Preparing for a new way
A revolution of radical love

It is time

God’s wing lifts
The world looks the same
But change is from within
Ready to soar

Released from fear
Resurrection promise
God’s wing is ever present.

By Rev. Melissa Hinnen

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