The house of Lazarus smells of sweet perfume

March 30, 2022

A 100 Word Sermon inspired by John 12: 1-8

Martha sets the table for familial communion
She serves a celebratory meal.

The house of Lazarus smells of sweet perfume.

Mary, always a little extra,
Anoints Jesus’ feet with oil, wiping them with her hair.

And the house of Lazarus smells of sweet perfume.

Lazarus “alive again” hosts a memorable dinner party
Harboring Jesus, who’s a fugitive as good as dead.

Outside and in, power struggles divide and conquer
Violence and death are imminent.

But the house of Lazarus smells of sweet perfume.

An abiding fragrance of friendship, love, hope
Accompanies them all from the cross to an empty tomb.

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