Envisioning a new day

May 4, 2020

Day by day . . . After the Pentecost

The people gathered, 

learning how to be the church

Through daily



Breaking bread


I wonder,

when did Christian living go from 

a day by day 

to once a week, 

to once every 6 weeks 

or a twice a year pattern?

When did glad and generous hearts get replaced with fear and exclusion?

Was it when the walls and the steeple were erected?

When doors began to be shut against certain kinds of people?

When we forgot to look with awe at the signs and wonders around us?

When we went from recognizing the abundance of living simply 

to a mindset of scarcity? 

Day by day . . . lives got busy

Bread alone was no longer satisfying

Sharing made us nervous

What if there is not enough?

People started to get spiritually and physically hungry

But fed ourselves with unfulfilling desires.

Day by day . . . we began to listen to other voices

“Produce more

Buy more

You work hard. You deserve it.

‘They’ are lazy. That is why they are poor. 

We must protect what we have with guns and military.”

Somewhere along the line, so called Christians 

became like a thief in the night . . . 

ignoring how personal wealth and privilege 

impacts the goodwill of all the people. 

But now as many of us are on PAUSE

do we have a chance to re-emerge

with different priorities and

a commitment to repairing past harm?  

Day by day . . . During the Pandemic

Those who can, are gathering at home connected by screens, 

But more than that, connected in Spirit 

Learning how to be the church in new ways

Through daily



Baking and Breaking bread

And Prayers

Day by Day . . . As we imagine who we want to be

How will we care for the good will of ALL 

    especially those whom the system continues to fail?     

Where do we see signs and wonders?

What voice will we listen to?
The good shepherd? Or the thief?

Reflection inspired by: Acts 2:42-47  • John 10:1-10

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