(God, you are everywhere)
A river flows between nations.
A castle in the distance tells a story.
A front porch beckons (and gargoyles welcome)?
A cacophony of laughter erupts as dynamic women unite.
(God, you are everywhere)
Our bodies hold the tension of a hard year and of transitions that loom.
Our community holds space to be vulnerable, to release, to embrace.
Our spirits are primed to weave together transcendent words and images
inspired by the fullness of time in this glorious space and
the divine sisterhood that has gathered.
(God, you are everywhere)
We listen for your voice in echoes of ancestors.
We delight in your gifts.
We anticipate with wonder, the alchemy of Creators’ Haven.
(God, you are everywhere)
Pour out your Spirit on this gathering.
Reveal your imprint on our art.
Reflect in the work of our hands, your
healing & hope
justice & joy
beauty & love.
Thank you, God! You are everywhere.
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