Breathe on us breath of God – when I can’t breathe

June 1, 2020

We have become complicit in a system 

that instead of conspiring with the Holy Spirit

interrupts her flow. 

This week when I heard George Floyd say those words, 

“I can’t breathe.” 

perhaps like you, 

I heard the echo of Eric Garner. 

I can’t breathe. 

And the echo of the disproportionate number of people 

in the Black community who are sick or have died 

from Covid 19 unable to breath. 

I heard the echos of this pandemic that reveals the deep inequalities 

that we always knew were there 

whether or not we wanted to address them. 

The grief and lament rightfully should bring us to our knees. 

But those of us who benefit from white supremacy must rise up with righteous rage and confront what is unfolding all around us. 

The patterns of injustice that demand our attention. 

Breathe on us Breath of God. 

I can’t breathe in this toxic racist broken world anymore. 

Breathe on Us Breath of God. 

I can’t breathe, while my siblings in Christ 

live in fear of suffocation 

because there are White people in this country 

who still do not believe that Black Lives Matter. 

Breathe on us Breath of God. 

I can’s breathe in this environment 

of pain and grief and suffering and sin anymore. 

And God, I need your holy spirit to move me to use my white privilege 

in ways that repent and heal and no longer cause harm. 

Holy Spirit breathe on me. 

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