A 100 Word Sermon on “The Prodigal Son”

March 23, 2022

The pharisees and scribes grumbled that Jesus ate with tax collectors and “sinners” and Jesus responded with the parable of the “Prodigal Son.” I wonder what that experience was like for the tax collector?

I ran away, chasing a lavish lifestyle .
The more I had, the more I craved.
My table overflowed, but I was insatiable,
Haunted by people who got poorer as I got richer.

Remembering comforting childhood rituals;
Faithful rhythms that connected with God,
I wondered,
How did I get so far away?
Can I go back?

Jesus met me in the in-between;
welcomed me at his table,
treated me like royalty,
offered extravagant grace.

Finally I felt fed.
Old ways died,
I began to live.

When religious leaders grumbled,
Jesus told a story:
“A man had two sons . . . “

I understood.

By Melissa Hinnen Inspired by Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32

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